The latest in population health management.

How an Integrated CRM Can Transform Population Health Management
A specialized CRM approach, embedded within PHM workflows, can elevate these programs and improve health outcomes for targeted populations.

The New Healthcare Consumer Engagement Landscape
As health plans and providers transform operations to support value-based care, it’s important to keep in mind that successfully engaging consumers in their health is also critical to managing costs and outcomes.

NYS 1115 Waivers: The Future of Healthcare Data Exchange
Healthcare organizations need to be ready now to successfully tackle New York State’s ambitious 1115 Waiver data exchange goals. Learn more.

7 Medicare Advantage Strategies for Success in 2025
As your organization delves into the intricacies of the 2025 Final Rule and Rate Announcement, remember that proactive adaptation is vital.

Leveraging Jiva Care Quality Navigator for Health Plans
The Jiva Care Quality Navigator is a transformative tool that empowers healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. Learn more.

Population Health Management Solutions 101
Learn more about Population Health Management tools including what they are, who they are for, and how insights can be gathered from the data collected.

Analyzing CMS 2025 Medicare Advantage Advance Notice
The CMS 2025 Medicare Advantage Advance Notice proposes changes to Star Ratings measures and the V28 Risk Adjustment Model. Learn more.

Jiva Member Engagement Navigator: Enhancing Consumer Engagement
ZeOmega is revolutionizing member engagement with its comprehensive suite of capabilities comprising the Jiva Member Engagement Navigator solution.

CMS Prior Authorization Final Rule: The Burden & Benefits
From the patient and provider perspective, prior authorization can feel like a burden, but its purpose is to promote quality care and to decrease wasteful spend.

CMS Final Rule: A First Look for Payers and Providers
The CMS released its Interoperability and Prior Authorization final rule (CMS-0057-F). Learn what this means for payers and providers.

Financial Sustainability and Cost Control in Healthcare
Finding a delicate balance between cost control and preserving quality care is critical for healthcare payers and managed care organizations.

ONC’s Triple Play: Structure, Policy, and Community
Recent ONC announcements will have a significant impact on payers, providers, and health information technology (HIT) vendors in 2024. Learn more.

What is Payer-Provider Collaboration?
Learn why payer-provider collaboration via data exchange is necessary, how it can help to increase care coordination, and how it can be done securely.

Navigate Risk Adjustment Challenges in Medicare Advantage
Get an overview of key OIG findings, tips for MAOs to avoid similar pitfalls, and what to expect in 2024 with the updated risk adjustment model.

2024 Star Ratings: How to Bounce Back & Grow Membership
With the right combination of continuous operational scrutiny and performance management solutions like the Jiva Care Quality Navigator, plans can improve.

Healthcare and AI: A Cautionary Tale
With utilizing AI in healthcare, we must analyze LLMs, the inputs, and the outcomes as we continue to evolve them with discretion and critical thinking.

How to Enhance Risk Adjustment Accuracy
Improve risk adjustment accuracy with Jiva's Risk Adjustment Navigator, a comprehensive solution that can increase financial success and quality care.

Strategies & Technology for Risk Adjustment in Healthcare
To effectively navigate the complexities of risk adjustment in federally sponsored healthcare, a combination of operational strategies and technology is vital.

Sorting and Prioritization Automation in Utilization Management
With the Jiva platform's configurable Sentinel Rules Engine (SRE), health plans can use automation to effectively prioritize, sort, and manage the case load.

Federal Attempts to Rein In Risk Adjustment Overpayments
For federal authorities, reducing risk adjustment overpayments and noncompliant coding practices are critical to the sustainability of the healthcare system.

Managing the CMS Patient Access Rule with ZeOmega & EHNAC
Patient Access and Interoperability bring hundreds of payers and app developers into an emerging ecosystem that will continue to mature.

The Role of Risk Adjustment in Federal Funding Deficits
Learn how current risk adjustment methodologies have unintentionally caused overpayments for federally sponsored healthcare funding.

API Testing & Certification for Network Participation
Learn why API testing & certification programs confirm the ability to fully conform to the FHIR standard and enable interoperability in a scalable manner.

The Value of Risk Adjusted Data
Learn how risk-adjusted data allows organizations to compare costs, project revenue, and evaluate network performance equitably to identify opportunities.
Upcoding in Federally Sponsored Healthcare
ZeOmega blog series on risk adjustment looks at where we’ve been, what we’re facing today, what’s on the horizon, and how to best prepare. Over the next several blogs, our ZeOmega risk adjustment solution experts will provide a forecast of regulatory changes and guidance on ensur

Managing the CMS Patient Access Rule: Accreditation
See how new technologies enable nurse informaticists, health plans, providers, and community-based resource organizations to improve processes.

How Does Risk Adjustment Work?
ZeOmega is kicking off a new blog series on risk adjustment to look at where we’ve been, what we’re facing today, what’s on the horizon, and how to best prepare. Over the next several weeks, our ZeOmega risk adjustment solution experts will provide a forecast of regulatory change

What Is FHIR? All About FHIR-Based APIs
FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. Learn about FHIR-based APIs hosted by payers and how this impacts access to health information.

Nurse Informaticist Systems & Solutions
See how new technologies enable nurse informaticists, health plans, providers, and community-based resource organizations to improve processes.

ChatGPT Benefits in Healthcare
For any areas of healthcare where blocks of text are present, ChatGPT can offer a myriad benefits. See more.

What Makes ChatGPT Unique?
Let's take a look ChatGPT, what is unique about it, why it’s different this time, and the potential benefits in healthcare.

Leadership During Turbulent Times
We are living in turbulent times. On global and local levels, threats of force, and actual violence, are present almost everywhere we look. While many of us are fortunate or even privileged, no one with a conscience can ignore and not be troubled by the events around us.

Medicaid Unwinding Process & Concerns
Medicaid is the largest health insurance program in the U.S., covering approximately one in five Americans. That equates to 82.3 million low-income Americans, including millions of children, older adults, people with disabilities, and two million veterans. Medicaid is the single

Medicare Advantage Regulatory Updates
Claw Backs and Beneficiary Protections in the Form of CMS Regulatory Changes – Massive Financial Implications

Impact of the New CMS Healthcare Interoperability Rule | ZeOmega
Much of the direction of the 2020 proposed rule is in the new proposed rule, particularly the sharing of prior authorization decisions/status with patients.

Key Takeaways from 2024 Medicare Advantage Proposed Rule | ZeOmega
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released the 2024 Medicare Advantage Proposed Rule on December 14, 2022 and the 957 page document is scheduled to enter the federal register on December 27th, 2022.

Reducing Burden in Healthcare Prior Authorizations
To reduce the burden of the prior authorization, many providers and payers have come together to develop solutions. Learn more.

Healthcare Enterprise Management Platform for High-Touch Member Engagement
Contact rates for case managers were better than 50%, yet actual enrollment in our programs was less than 10%.

AI and Its Value in Enhancing Member Engagement in Healthcare
Learn more about putting AI to work for your healthcare organization’s member engagement strategies.

Medicare Advantage Star Ratings at Risk for 2023
Measure year 2022 saw record-breaking numbers of Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans achieving five-Star Ratings, but with pandemic adjustments—which focused on pre-COVID-19 data.

Smart Electronic Prior Authorization as a Gateway to Care Management
The prior authorization process is often viewed as a burden by providers, necessitating staff resources and delaying care. Generally, the experience is considered abrasive.

Improving the Cost of Wellness vs Cost of Care
There has been a lot of talk about the cost of care, but what really is the “cost of care,” and can it be reduced? I propose striving to reduce the cost of care is a misunderstood concept.

Customization Vs. Personalization
What’s the difference between customization and personalization, and what does that have to do with enterprise-grade population health management applications?

ZeOmega’s CareIntel: Improving Quality Outcomes One Person at a Time
Common wisdom holds that data is the critical component of population health. The key to success, however, comes from identifying relationships and meaning within the data that affect both broad populations and individuals within those populations.

ZeOmega’s CareIntel Enhances Consumer Engagement and Experience
One of the most significant challenges for population health programs is understanding how to connect macro-level population health patterns to engage people within those populations.

ZeOmega and the Quadruple Aim: Save Time and Money by Lowering Costs
opulation health initiatives aim to help patients maintain optimal health and ultimately save money by managing and preventing disease.

Achieving the Quadruple Aim with ZeOmega’s CareIntel Artificial Intelligence Solution
It’s no secret that the Quadruple Aim – healthcare’s holy grail of reducing costs, improving population health, enhancing patient engagement, and improving the experience for healthcare providers.