Connections25: ZeOmega’s Client Conference

Connections25 (C25) is more than a conference. It’s an opportunity to experience the future of healthcare enterprise management now. Join colleagues, industry trailblazers, and ZeOmega’s experts for a deep dive into Jiva and the trends, technologies, and best practices driving intelligent change in healthcare.
This year’s event theme is “Choose Your Own Adventure,” inviting attendees to embrace a sense of wonder as they choose their own imaginative learning experiences, winding through ZeOmega’s land of Best in KLAS solutions. ZeOmega has executed a complete buyout of Thompson Hotel for this wildly curious occasion. Located within The National — Dallas’ newest urban upscale mixed-use project — the Thompson stands out as an upscale hotel inviting bespoke journeys centered around five-star food, nightlife, and art.
This is your world, and how you influence it is up to you. Join us at C25 to open your distinct passageway to better healthcare and transition into a surreal dreamscape of higher care management possibilities.
Dates: Monday, April 28 – Wednesday, April 30
Times: 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 28. – 9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30 CST
Location: Thompson Hotel, 205 N. Akard St, Dallas, TX 75201